St Vincent’s Church
St Vincent’s Church

Caythorpe War Memorial Booklet wins award

One excellent spin off research into the Caythorpe War Memorial booklet about those named on the War Memorial was the idea of the ‘passport’ of remembrance for each man who died.  Caythorpe Primary School  children were taught about those who died.  The photograph shows 2016's Year 6 holding up their ‘passport’ as the name was read out by Rev. Val Rampton at the war memorial on Friday 11, November 2016.  It was a most moving tribute.  A sample of the ‘passport’ is on display in St. Vincent’s church. In November 2017 we were delighted because the guide and 'passport' won a Flora Murray Award of Excellence given by The Lincolnshire Society for History and Archaeology.  

The booklet costs £5 and if all copies have been sold in the church is also available from Janet Avison or Richard  Johnson.

It is also available on Amazon. Search Caythorpe+ War+ Memorial.

And at

